NMC Response to DfT Consulation on Motorcycles in Bus Lanes

Response to a consultation on motorcycles having default access to bus lanes


NMC Motorcycling Matters

A Manifesto for Motorcycling and the future of transport (2024 General Election)


Statement of Safety Principles for Automated Vehicles

BMF and NMC recommendations for automated vehicles safety principles to be considered as part of the Automated Vehicles Act


NMC Response to the proposed changes to the regulations on electrically assisted pedal cycles

A response to the DfT Consultation on increasing the legal power of eBikes.


A Fresh Approach to The Motorcycle Licence

Creating a training and testing regime fit for the 21st century. This is the second edition of the NMC's position on licensing, training and testing.


Economic Benefits of the UK Motor Cycle Industry 2014/15

Economic report for the UK motorcycling sector which was commissioned by the MCIA in 2014. Covers wider positive economic impacts from the PTW sector.


NMC General Advice for moving motorcycles across the European Union border with the United Kingdom V2

The NMC advice, developed in liaison with the UK Gvmt Cabinet Office V2 corrects a link for the Spain declaration


Joint letter calling for better basic training to improve motorcyclists’ safety

Letter from the UK motorcycle sector, public authorities and road saety organisations, calling for the Government implemement changes to Compulsory Basis Training (CBT)


NMC, TRF and LARA Briefing to DEFRA Ministers

Briefing on key issues for motorised access to green roads


LARA and NMC - Memorandum of Understanding

Partnership agreement between the Land Access and Recreation Association and the NMC


MCIA and NMC Decarbonisation Briefing Document

This document was presented in a briefing to Parliament on February 7th 2023


EU Border - Spanish Language Oral Declaration Form

For use when transporting motorcycles across the border via van or trailer


NMC Response to the DfT Consultation on When to End the Sale of New Non-Zero Emission L-Category Vehicles

The response opposes UK-only arbitrary targets and proposes that the Government adopts a better strategy, utilising all technolocal pathways fully, plus taking account of international developments


NMC Response to Transport for London's Proposals to Expand the ULEZ zone

Response sets out the NMC's case for motorcycle to be exempt from ULEZ


NMC Position on the Testing and Training of Motorcyclists May 2022

Updated from a previous edition to take account of changes to how serious injuries are recorded.


NMC Position on Motorcycle Decarbonisation May 2022

Policy statement on decarbonisation and the future of new petrol motorcycle production


NMC Position on e-Scooters May 2022

Summary of NMC views, with a selection of viewpoints from other organisations


NMC Response to The DEFRA Consultation on the Landscapes Review

Response seeks to protect motorcycling access to green roads


LARA and NMC Consultation Guidance

Guidance to assist people when responding to the DEFRA consultation on the Landscapes Review


Motorcycling and the Future of Transport Policy


Value of UK Motorcycle Sport 2014

Indicated values of off road and road race activity prepared by the Motorcycle Sport Political Project


The Health Benefits of Trail Riding 2016

Trail Riders Fellowship Report (Comber)


Economic Value of Trail Riding 2017

Trail Riders Fellowship Report


Future of Transport Regulatory Review Consultation Response

The NMC's response to the Government's proposals for anti tampering. Also a response to proposals on electric vehicle charge points


Position paper on the training and testing of motorcyclists

NMC proposals for revising the UK motorcycle rider licensing regime


Welcoming Roads

A New Vision for Vision Zero


Covid-19 Guidelines April 2021 Update

This edition reflects changes made as lockdown is eased


Covid-19 Riding Guidelines

Version 5 of the Covid-Safe Guide


The NMC Launch Presentation


On Friday March 5th 2021, The National Motorcyclists Council held a virtual conference to launch the organisation.


Future of Transport: Rural Strategy


The National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the DfT’s consultation on the Future of Transport Rural Strategy.


Public Policy Area Detail


This document outlines the NMC’s policy in more depth, considering detailed public policy in a number of areas which need to be developed as part of a Government Motorcycle Strategy.


The NMC Launch Document


Bringing UK Motorcyclists Together - Download and read our launch document, outlining the NMC's mission, goals, activities and much more; including the management structure and priorities.
