The National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) NMC has today launched an important campaign which aims to put motorcycling on the map in parliamentary constituencies in advance of the General Election.
A ‘Motorcycling Matters’ manifesto and campaign website has been created by the NMC’s members, which sets out in simple terms what motorcyclists need the post-election Government to deliver for motorcycling. It presents a manifesto for a positive vision for the future of transport and the role of motorcycling within this. There are seven key themes:
1. Transport Choice: Bringing motorcycling into the mainstream of transport policy
2. The introduction of improved and simplified licensing, training and testing
3. Safer roads for riding, tackling potholes and proper investment in motorcycle safety.
4. Adoption of a “technology neutral” approach to decarbonisation, preserving rider choice.
5. Default access to all bus lanes, continued free parking and protecting motorcycle access to the full road network, including sealed and green roads.
6. Ensuring greater recognition of and support for the UK motorcycle sports sector.
7. Recognition of the cultural importance of the classic bike sector and protection for the UK’s motorcycling heritage.
Motorcycling is a key part of the future of transport. If supported by government, it will foster social mobility, quality of life, economic growth and improved safety. The choices riders make about the bikes they want to ride, plus how and where they want to enjoy motorcycling, also needs to be protected.
This is a campaign where every rider can make a difference. The NMC and its members are calling for all motorcyclists to be a part of shaping the views of the election candidates from the parties who are standing in their local constituency. Riders are urged to ask candidates to sign a ‘Pledge’ to support motorcycling.
The campaign website contains the Manifesto, details about how riders can get involved and the page where election candidates can pledge support.
NMC Executive Director Craig Carey-Clinch said: “The forthcoming General Election is probably the most important for motorcycling in a generation. We face a situation where, like 1997, all political parties have everything to play for. With a strong likelihood of a change in Government, there is now a real opportunity to reshape the narrative and thinking around motorcycling and send a clear message to candidates about what riders need from a new government.
“We urge all riders to support the campaign and help to make a real difference for motorcycling both locally and nationally.”
Notes to editors.
1. For further comment from the NMC please contact Craig Carey-Clinch, on 07979 757484 / craig@uknmc.org
2. A summary of the Manifesto:
Genuine Choice for Future Transport Needs
Motorcycle use helps reduce congestion and pollution, while offering lower cost transport choice and mobility for work, education, leisure and tourism. They are a key part of the future of transport, which contributes to cleaner, greener and more mobile cities, plus increasing options for rural transport. Motorcycling needs to be brought into the mainstream of transport policy, recognised and facilitated as a positive low and zero polluting form of commuter and leisure travel.
Improve Licensing, Training and Testing
Current licensing requirements hinder access to riding due to their complexity, repetition and high cost which discourages potential riders and embeds a culture of ‘permanent learners’. They have also not improved safety - rider deaths have risen since they were introduced.
Better and Safer Roads for Riding – Tackle the Scourge of Potholes
Road infrastructure design guidelines for safer motorcycling are in urgent need of updating. Motorcycling must also fully benefit from investment in ‘Vision Zero’ and ‘Safe Systems’ measures. Smart Motorways must be properly reviewed and any changes must take account of motorcycle safety. Action is needed now to remove the significant danger from poor roads maintenance and potholes. A new government must demonstrate greater urgency by accelerating and increasing investment.
Adopt a technology neutral approach to decarbonisation
The road to net zero must be proportionate, pragmatic, and realistic. Mopeds and motorcycles have an important role to play in the future of transport and riders need flexibility and choice. All political parties should embrace a variety of emerging technologies, including e-fuels and hydrogen, not just battery electric.
Protect and improve access to all types of highways – Default access to bus lanes
Access to the full road network, designed to keep motorcyclists safe, needs to be secured and protected. There must be better and more equal treatment of motorcycling in the statutory regulation of traffic on both sealed and green roads. Motorcycle access to bus lanes needs to be made a default measure to improve the safety of riders. Adequate free and secure parking provision must also be provided across all local authorities.
Celebrate motorcycle sport
There needs to be greater recognition and support for the UK’s £1billion motorcycle sports sector and its position on the world stage. The same is needed for grass-roots sport and also the tourism economy. Regulations need to be amended to ensure that a level playing field of high-quality standards apply across the sport.
Recognise the Cultural importance of the Motorcycle Sector
As an important part of the UK’s cultural heritage, sport and recreation, there should be no time limit introduced on how long older bikes can be ridden on any road. Access to all highways needs to be maintained and the 40-year cut-off for historic vehicle status kept in place.
3. More information about the National Motorcyclists Council and its members can be found on www.uknmc.org .
(Picture: Shutterstock - Marius Comanescu)